Dear Members of the Sydney University Football Club,
We gather today to celebrate the life and legacy of our dear friend, Luke Mitchell. His passing on 30th July, 2023, marks the end of an era, but his memory will forever be part of the Sydney University Football Club community.
For years, Luke wasn’t just our caterer; he embodied our values. His warm presence touched us all, emphasizing the importance of love and connection, both on and off the field.
Luke’s character defined him more than his stature. His firm yet kind guidance held players accountable and fueled our pursuit of excellence.
As we reminisce about Luke, please share your own memories that capture his spirit. Let’s support Michelle and her team as they continue Luke’s legacy. Just as we stand united in victory, we stand united in honoring Luke’s memory.
In celebrating Luke’s life, we cherish the friendships, victories, and joys we’ve shared.
With gratitude for being part of this exceptional community,
Kind Regards,
Nathan Charles
(Executive General Manager)